Take the first step...

Take the first step...

Sunday 27 February 2011

A first

I felt my niece or nephew kick for the first time last night.
At first I felt nothing, then as my hand was pushed up not once but twice, I realised I would do anything for that kid.

I can't wait to meet you!


Thursday 24 February 2011

When terror gives way to amazement.

This video fascinates, amazes and terrifies me all at the same time.

A journey into the abyss of unforseeable possibilities.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Leaving solidity behind.

Four metres off the ground hanging by barely anything. It's not so much my happy place, more so an affirmation of the strength that I know is in there somewhere through any kind of doubt. I've worked hard to have that kind of strength & to get to that moment. It’s at that point that nothing and no one else matters, just me and what I know I can do.

Fly my pretties, FLY!


Hazardous ahead!

I am now linked to something that resembles the symbol for biohazard and every morning as I traipse to the location that resembles said symbol, all I can hear in my head is the sound of the Red Queen security system from Resident Evil telling Alice & comrades (just before they switch her off!) "You're all going to die down here!".

How lucky that I am far more resilient to evil!


Monday 21 February 2011

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...

I've never blogged online before, only scribbled thoughts & at times barely incoherent ideas into various journals along my path, but this is an interesting if not intimidating media. I guess time will tell how much I reveal on here & how much to leave to the imagination or memory. I've often looked back on entries I've written in journals that are bound for no-one else's eyes but my own & seen that I have censored even my own recollections & have spoken about my (one & only) relationship in ambiguous terms (my 'partner', 'they' felt etc). 
So, as my first act of blog-dom, I defy the censorship of my past self & admit that yes, I am a dude who digs dudes... but that is probably the last thing I will tell you about myself normally, because I think there's so many other important things we can discuss before we get into the whole sexuality schtick.
For instance, my favourite colour is green!


Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici