Take the first step...

Take the first step...

Monday 21 February 2011

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...

I've never blogged online before, only scribbled thoughts & at times barely incoherent ideas into various journals along my path, but this is an interesting if not intimidating media. I guess time will tell how much I reveal on here & how much to leave to the imagination or memory. I've often looked back on entries I've written in journals that are bound for no-one else's eyes but my own & seen that I have censored even my own recollections & have spoken about my (one & only) relationship in ambiguous terms (my 'partner', 'they' felt etc). 
So, as my first act of blog-dom, I defy the censorship of my past self & admit that yes, I am a dude who digs dudes... but that is probably the last thing I will tell you about myself normally, because I think there's so many other important things we can discuss before we get into the whole sexuality schtick.
For instance, my favourite colour is green!


Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for blogging, for dudes, for V, and for new beginnings - Enjoy the experience! x martin
