Take the first step...

Take the first step...

Saturday 16 July 2011

A Melbourne adventure.

9:22am Dukes Café

Check-in a breeze.
The flight to Melbourne was nothing.
A short trip on the Sky-bus proved simple.
Tram-Ride to Jon’s house = lots of fun.
(Sleeping on an inflatable mattress & his flatmate making popcorn at 12.45am… meh!)
Tram & train-ride to Prahrain early next morning= no sweat!

However, it was my feet that were the mode of transportation that eventually made me lose my composure. Or maybe I should say when my brain (which is attached to my head which is attached to my shoulders which are attached to my torso which is attached to my thighs which are attached to my knees which are attached to my calves which are attached to my ankles which are attached to my feet!) SAW those 4 incredible, amazing, inspiring yet nauseating, terror inducing letters: N.I.C.A, well… all bets were OFF!
I had to keep walking (despite the fact that I was 1hr 10min early). I had to find somewhere I could chill out as well as quieten my mind AND my nerves which is why I can be found here in Dukes Café, choking down a coffee & a piece of toast. I’ve found it rather (absurdly) amusing that I’ve gotten myself so worked up based on the hypothetical judgements and impressions of people I don’t even know yet. I have a brief list of trainers’ names but otherwise my fellow workshop participants are nameless and faceless as yet, so WHY has it affected me this much?

I wonder what it will be like when we’re all together for the first time.

I wonder if there’ll be harsh judgements or encouraging smiles.

I wonder if I’m going to be the most incompetent person in the room.

I wonder if they’re all thinking the exact same thing.

4:44 Train to Flinders St Station
They sure WERE! It was easy to identify who was part of the workshop as I could see in their eyes & body language the same self-effacing doubt I was feeling. Names were exchanged and a collective sigh of (almost) relief occurred, paving the way for friendly banter & brief descriptions of everyone’s specialities & origins. Phew!
Day 1 proved to highlight precisely what we’ve gotten ourselves in for & I have no doubts that no-one in the group would want it differently in any way, shape or form. Such a diverse group of people but a thoroughly supportive and entertaining dynamic is already present which is fantastic to witness as well as be a part of.
There were moments during the various sessions where I was well aware of my limitations but I pushed through regardless, which shows me that I need to do that more often if I’m to have any hope of earning a place at NICA.  I want to be there and I want all of those people to be there with me. 

I want to be part of this so much I even had a moment where I thought “Now I know how that little mermaid chick feels!” and then I progressed to wanting/needing to uppercut MYSELF for how lame that sounds!

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