Take the first step...

Take the first step...

Sunday 23 October 2011

I've got an idea!


How about instead of a trip to either Chattanooga or Disneyworld or a car for McKenzie, they all go on a trip to Somalia & spend time in a refugee camp. Maybe then a sense of perspective will come & bite them all on the arse!

1 comment:

  1. ROFL ah both priceless.

    But in a way those Chattanooga kids were cool. Sure, they didn't appreciate the economic sacrifices that their parents were making... but weren't the parents also in need of some perspective? They were hoping that an expensive trip to Orlando would buy some happiness, but instead the kids wanted to return to the same old cheap holiday! The kids hadn't yet absorbed the capitalist philosophy that more expensive = better. They were relying more on past experiences of fun rather than on media promises of fun.

    The father was incredulous - what child would prefer to go somewhere cheap and ordinary like Chattanooga when the expense and glamour of Disney awaits?!

    I'm bettin' the people in the Somalian refugee camp would probably all love a holiday in Chattanooga too.


    I have nothing to say in McKenzie's defense.

    I hope she gets red presents for the rest of her life.

