Take the first step...

Take the first step...

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Truth is...

Truth is an event and only through experience can the veracity of a truth be realised.

So, it stands to reason that the experience (read: pain) & truth of today is that my wisdom teeth DEFINITELY exist & according to the Dentists need to go.


  1. Ach! Leonato in Much Ado About Nothing was right! "For there was never yet philosopher
    That could endure the toothache patiently..." - the intimacy and the agony of a toothache is incomparable. Meditating through it was too much for me; I didn't smile until the local anaesthetic kicked in, but boy did I smile when it did.

    I hope you get the offending teeth out as soon as possible, and curl up after the surgery with a superb movie, a good hit of analgesia and a very soft dinner. But once gone, the pain is gone forever.

    Don't be wary of Mary, the southern tooth fairy.
    She flies like canary high over the prairie!
    She knows that extractions can sometimes be scary,
    but...er... blah blah Sharleen Spiteri?? Airy? Hairy? Unfairy? *sigh* Sleep well!

  2. Such an apt quote! It's strange that you mention Much Ado because I had only yesterday been going over the verbal tussle that Beatrice & Benedick have when they first see each other, spoken in the style of the incredible Kenneth Branagh & her royal amazingness Emma Thompson. Such witty banter that I feel honoured to have peformed once upon a time.... I was Benedick by the way :-)

    Speaking of witty banter, I can't say enough how much I Laughed Out Loud upon reading the poem above. A truly amazing & uplifting piece, especially since I hadn't gotten any sleep due to the offending wisdom in my head & had been feeling downright miserable from the discomfort. You are a man of magic words & this shall no doubt be your third contribution to my 'Watch This Space' noticeboard in my classroom! Soon there'll be a golden statue of you no doubt!

    I don't see the oral surgeon until March 31st, so it shall be quite a while before I curl up to lick my wounds, but I am in keen anticipation of such an occurrence. Begin the countdown!
    P xox
