Take the first step...

Take the first step...

Tuesday 8 March 2011

What I heard today was...

Your opportunities in the department will go like this <-------   -------->
But, think not what the Department can do for you, but what YOU can do for the Department.
If you are not with us, you are against us!
Pack your backpack & go into the west (and remain Galadriel?).
Resistance is futile.
We hold the guide to all the mysteries you will encounter, let this guide be your guide.
Check your interpretations at the door, we know how we like it & want it done.
Do not leave not knowing unless it's not what we want you to know. 


  1. Ha! "Resistance is futile" is right - I haven't heard that quote in a while. "We are the Borg. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile." and of course, "You will be assimilated."

    I know that a lot of people take great comfort in the tight embrace of bureaucracy that goes with working in an institution. I have enjoyed it myself - there can be a consolation in knowing that there's a policy and a precedent for everything. But it's not exactly conducive to creativity, innovation or brilliance, though. (Unless you count the doodling that is done in meetings. Some of those are true masterworks of visual art!)

    There's a taste of humour to this post, so I hope you don't feel like your spirit has been crushed by the meeting. They can never own you! And while they can withhold information from you, they can't remove your powers of deduction!

    Apart from this, diminishing and going into the West sounds okay. Do you get to have a colony of elves to act as servants?

  2. This was definitely far more humourous than downtrodden. I had gotten lost on my way to this, & thus arrived 15min late. I walked in, sat down & after 3min I began writing furiously as if the speaker had fuelled me with new enlightenment regarding the profession, but all she had done was reiterate the Dictatorial statements I've heard many times at these kinds of meetings & at uni.
    You make a good point though. It is comforting to be in a highly necessary profession & guidance is at times good, but the bureaucratic garbage that also ensues leaves much to be desired.
    It does leave me feeling uninspired & uncreative at times, but I know in my heart that at this stage it is merely a means to an end. I will go into the West (or East) & exist rather than diminish..... however, some elvish friends would be rad! Imagine the party tricks!

  3. By the way, I was an extra on an American Mid-Day movie called "Dynasty-Behind the Scenes" a few years ago at Fox Studios & was lucky enough to meet Alice Krige who plays the Borg Queen. She is 110% lovely & commands such presence with her sharp features & incredible voice.
    I chatted to her about the prosthetic make-up she had to wear as well as the various SFX she was a part of over lunch one day on set & was thrilled to shreds when she humoured me in saying "Watch....your futures end!". *shiver*

  4. Zomg! Alice Krige?! Jealous me! Her first scene in Star Trek: First Contact might be the best entrance of any villain - ever!

    Wait till I tell Burgess. Wait till I tell babe!

  5. I totally agree about it being the best entrance of any villain ever (apart from Michelle Pfieffer's Catwoman backflipping out of Shrecks Department Store, slight pause, MEOW, then BOOM!). I shall have to locate the photo I had with her to show you, although 'twas back in my more portly days.
