Take the first step...

Take the first step...

Tuesday 26 April 2011

For you.

Magpies are black & white

They flawlessly exist with & display both light and dark
I rejoice & am thankful for your light
I do not fear your darkness.


  1. I'm honoured by this and think any Magpie would be too. There's something indigenous about this poem: a brief veneration of the Magpie Spirit, of Magpie Medicine.

    It makes me reflect on why I've come to love Magpies so much - with their gentle warbling songs, their proud little bodies, their pitiless eyes and gentle way of walking with their hands in their pockets. They used to terrify me and now they console me - both darkness and light.

    It makes me reflect on my own mix of light and darkness, and my response to the light and darkness of the people I love. I think this is just genius - I'm putting it in the sidebar of my blog at once!

  2. Thank-you for helping me find the name to this!
    I felt there was the slightest semblance of hesitation in parts of conversation & just wanted to let you know that any form of duality is essential, but you need not worry about reactions to either light or dark. Both have their place.
